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The power of health.

the power of health text overlay


What we did

Stakeholder, Competitor and Market research

G2M strategy

Re-design of solution / service offering

Strategic market positioning

Brand strategy, development & design

Market testing

Brand activation

Value proposition development & sales enablement

Website development

After working with the CEO on a successful exit from a previous business, we collaborated on the strategic positioning for this newly formed global healthcare company.

With a reputation for operating in remote and hostile environments for the energy sector, our goal was to accelerate growth by positioning the business to enter the strategic markets of ‘supranationals’ (the likes of UN agencies and WHO) and health capacity building for developed world governments.

After developing deep insights though dialogue with leaders across these diverse constituencies, we redesigned the service offer to align with segment priorities.

Market positioning and messaging focused on priorities and purchase triggers and sales enablement underpinned rapid go-to-market.

text overlay we believe there is no better investment than one made in health
$ 0 m

Our customer research showed that the e-Health programme was not a source of margin premium or growth. This led to a 180-degree turnaround on the e-Health strategy, saving the client over 2 million dollars.

0 months

The business received a significant investment from market leader International SOS within 3 months of the strategic transformation and wholly acquired 3 years later.

The power of health illustration

Spooner are unique. I get PwC up front and Ogilvy at the back end.

Tim Mitchell
CEO FrontierMEDEX & CEO Iqarus