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Educate the future. Change the future.

two futures UWS mission statement
What we did

Stakeholder, Competitor and Market research

Corporate Strategy

Re-design of solution / service offering

Brand strategy, development & design

Market testing

Website development & organic search optimisation

Value proposition development & sales enablement

Social media marketing

UWS was transitioning from founder led Education Charity working in one country to a fully-fledged international NGO. If that wasn’t enough of a challenge, this shift was taking place against a political backdrop were government funding has become more competitive and difficult to secure.

Our objective was to develop an actionable blueprint for a bold and impactful future built on multiple, predictable and resilient funding streams.

We convened the global leadership team for the first time, for a 4-day strategy summit to explore what UWS should do next, where and how they should do it, and on what scale.

We designed and facilitated the summit, bringing new stakeholder insights into a robust dialogue that delivered clarity around UWS’ goal, role and purpose, as well as operating model and Strategic Plan.

We then conducted a strategic transformation, repositioning the organisation to attract the corporate, individual and institutional funding required to inspire a movement capable to achieving Zero Education Poverty by 2050.

Two futures advert

I want to share with you that the project has changed my view of UWS. It has boosted my love for the organization. It’s reframed and clarified what I always knew was UWS’s mojo into something greater. Who would have imagined that?

I always thought we were amazing and incredible and extraordinary. Now, we are all that, multiplied, because of how the brand represents us.

Back in Nepal, during our global leadership workshop, when you were pushing us to reimagine our future, I so wanted to believe. It is astonishing what emerged from those workshops.

Thank you for believing in us. Thank you for pushing us out of our comfort zones and into the zone of reimagining. This will change our future. Thanks to you and your team for making it happen.

Kenneth Creed
Executive Director, UWS
Text overlay zero education poverty by 2050
Tote bag showing text which says Zero education poverty by 2050
two people wearing t-shirts which say zero
Text overlay be a zero hero
UWS mission statement